kate raston kate raston

Consent Myth or Fact?

Consensual sex is when both parties are of legal age, agree to engage in intercourse by choice, and have the freedom and capacity to make that choice. But what are some common myths we normalise about consent?

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kate raston kate raston

Sync With Your Cycle

When discussing our menstrual cycles, we need to look at the 4 different phases that affect our bodies in different ways. Most commonly people who menstruate have been taught about Phase 1, our menstrual phase, but what about phase 2, 3 and 4? Let’s get into it.

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kate raston kate raston

Faking Orgasms

We have probably all done it, faked an orgasm. Perhaps for different reasons, maybe to make the encounter stop, maybe because you don’t feel confident communicating to your partner/s that what they’re doing isn’t quite hitting the spot or maybe you felt pressured by a sexual script to finish the encounter with an orgasm.

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kate raston kate raston

The things I wish I knew before I had sex 2.0

Navigating relationships, puberty, and sexual encounters is super confusing. Like is there a book or something which can tell me all the do’s and don’ts, tell me all the things I need to know before I start? Sadly, this isn’t a book with an exhaustive list of lessons, but here are a few key points I wish I knew before I started experimenting on my sexual journey.

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kate raston kate raston

What Exactly is Aftercare?

When we have sex our bodies release lots of different chemicals, and we can feel super hyped up. And so, it is super important after sex finishes that we don’t just completely withdraw and instead we ease off the intensity with some aftercare.

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kate raston kate raston

Dating Myths Debunked

With Valentine’s Day just passed, I thought it was time we shed some light on some common dating myths….

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kate raston kate raston

What Is a Situationship, How Did I End up in One and How Do I Get Out?

Ah the classic situationship, when you’re with someone but you’re not officially dating but you're also more than casually fooling around. A situationship is somewhere in the middle, a romantic relationship that is undefined and, in many circumstances, lacks concrete commitment. Sounding familiar?

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kate raston kate raston

The Things Sex Ed Failed to Teach Me About Consent.

I would describe my experiences of learning about the sexual exploration of my body, desires, pleasures, and sexual safety as limited at best. In essence, the schools I attended tended to take a condom-on-the-banana approach, leaving out holistic conversations around other important facets of sex, for example, consent.

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kate raston kate raston

Taking Matters into Our Own Hands

This project ‘Taking Matters into Our Own Hands’ was inspired by the release of the National Student Survey results which indicated that too many students were unsure and confused around the services each university offered in relation to reporting and support. It shed light on a state-wide issue, that students on university campuses were not aware of the services and so, not accessing them.

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kate raston kate raston

Toxic purity and its impact on young women and their sex lives

With so many empowering women in the media preaching sex-positivity in recent years, it’s a mystery as to why toxic purity is still an issue at all in our society. We are so forward-thinking in regard to other issues, so why is it that we have such a blind spot when it comes to women exploring the sexual part of their lives?

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kate raston kate raston

Ways to Beat Advocacy Burnout

Fighting for gender equality or any systematic change can be exhausting. Especially, when you fight so hard and yet somehow people like Andrew Tate gain traction and abortion access is denied. It is gruelling work, which often pushes people to their wits ends, questioning humanity and losing hope. The truth about fighting so hard for change is, sometimes you lose hope and it's okay ...

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kate raston kate raston

"I'm not like the other girls"

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m not like the other girls”. Or perhaps you have heard someone recite the statement to you, about you, “You’re not like other girls”. What do these statements say about women and what message is being conveyed when statements like this one are so frequently thrown around.

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kate raston kate raston

The Consent Cycle

The consent cycle refers to the natural flow in which consent is acquired and understood. It involves 4 main steps which create a cycle, with consent being continuously asked and received.

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kate raston kate raston

A Guide to Allyship

As we approach the end of June, the end of Pride Month and the rainbow-coloured marking slowly begins to disappear, having an honest conversation around allyship is so important.

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kate raston kate raston

‘Wifey Material’

Isn’t it interesting in 2022, where so many are bucking trends and not getting married that a determinantal stereotype used to describe women such as ‘wifey material’ still lingers?

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kate raston kate raston

Let’s Talk Boundaries and Boundary Setting

Boundaries are guidelines or rules that a person creates within all relationships (yes, ALL relationships) to ensure they are staying safe and true to themselves. They are set by everyone within all kinds of relationships and are vitally important to ensuring healthy relationships are achieved and maintained.

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kate raston kate raston

Division of Domestic Labour and the Impact of Weaponised Incompetence

As society has moved away from the traditional idea that men act as the primary breadwinners and women care for the home, navigating household labour has become a topic of frequent discussion. However, the statics suggest that even though women may have entered the workforce full-time they are still undertaking the majority of the household and domestic labour.

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kate raston kate raston

Why do we think it is OK too ask someone their body count?

The term body count perhaps seemingly fun on the outside, actually reinforces purity culture and endorses slut shaming. It reinforces the notion that a woman’s worth is based on her sexual experiences as if somehow her worth is lessened due to her vast sexual encounters.

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