Year 12 Coordinator

Kate and Nicolette from We Are Womxn were wonderful guest speakers at Leeming Senior High School last week. They delivered their ‘It’s Complicated’ program to our year 12 girls and it was very well received. The Year 12 girls found Kate and Nicolette to be friendly, knowledgeable and safe to talk to. As one student put it, ‘it was great to have young women, close to our age, speak to us because they understood what we go through’. I highly recommend Kate and Nicolette and the ‘It’s Complicated’ program for anyone wanting to provide current, accurate information on relationships and consent in a safe and inclusive way.


Open talk, relevant info, practical advice


Very informative and up to date information.

Head of Student Services

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for your time yesterday. It was such a great day and the girls have given positive feedback today. The staff loved that you tailored your presentations for their engagement using up-to-date trends and videos.

We really enjoyed having you and hope to have you back again soon.

Youth Worker

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU from the RYC staff and the girls in She/Her.

I have heard nothing but positive words from our girls about you lot.

We really appreciate you coming down and educating our group.

I honestly wish something like this was around when I was growing up, all the misinformation and stigma around the human body and mental health. Two super important topics you guys covered in such a light-hearted and engaging way.

I am a facilitator myself and know how hard it is to keep a group of teens engaged for that long. Especially a group of girls you don’t know.

I was nothing but impressed and am SO EXCITED to have you back next term.

Thanks again, Kate.

And I cannot wait to work with you again soon.

School Health Nurse

It was so lovely to have two incredible presenters deliver some very important safety messages to our Year 9 and 10 girls around the topics of ‘online safety’ and issues around ‘consent’.

Our audiences were captivated with the messages and information shared and left feeling more empowered and in control. The Students felt both Nicolette and Kate were open, accepting and provided a safe and comfortable atmosphere in the room.

Deputy Principal

We were lucky enough to have Nicolette and Kate deliver 2 workshops to our Year 5 and 6 female students. The students were reluctant and shy in the beginning, listening to and talking about sensitive topics, however Nicolette and Kate quickly helped the girls to feel safe and comfortable to share and ask questions. The sessions were informative and interesting and well received by all. The delivery of such information from an external provider also reduces the pressure on teachers to deliver content they are not comfortable with and increased the depth of knowledge which was shared, which will support our students immensely as they transition through puberty and get ready for high school. I highly rate this program, and the staff who deliver it. Thank you Kate and Nicolette!  

Year Coodinator

We had Kate and Nicolette from We Are Womxn come and talk to our Year 7 to 10 girls about all things menstruation and sexual health. They discussed these topics in detail and left our students feeling empowered and confident in themselves. The students thoroughly enjoyed their time with them and the space to have safe, educated and open discussion with young women who could relate to them.”


I loved the inclusion of the facts and legalities of consent and the
relaxed, down to earth delivery of the workshop.


I really liked the ideas about what kids could hear- so they can be prepared in advance should they find themselves in that situation.


I really liked the advice about asking kids "Are you ok?" / "Did you mean for this to happen?" / Do you feel safe?". It seems so obvious, however, might not have been my instinctual reaction. I also loved the simple conversation starters and the encouragement to actually embrace these conversations.

Year 11 Student Leader

Nicolette and Kate from We Are Womxn provided a wonderful session with the year 11 and 12s discussing all things relationships with their “It’s Complicated” program. It was really great to have relatable young women talk to us as these are some big issues we are facing and it was really nice to have a safe and open discussion with just the girls.

All the students left feeling more confident in themselves and with tools to help them with their relationships. We really enjoyed our time with We Are Womxn and hope they will be back next year to chat to us again!

Youth Worker

We Are Womxn were wonderful, able to connect with the girls well and adapted to the personalities present while still providing the workshop. I have recommended to multiple colleagues, schools and other providers as well.


Wow awesome work! So informative and I have honestly taken so many tips from it - literally wrote notes!

Year coordinator

Thank you so much for your visit Nicolette and Maddy. We really appreciate you coming to visit our school. The feedback has been really positive and it was lovely having the two of you visit.

Year 11 Student


Year 11 Student

Literally everything, the girls that came in and taught my year about consent, the laws of it and how we can empower ourselves, our friends and our partners was just perfect. I had such a great time, and genuinely enjoyed listening to women who were upto date with our generation, related and understood us. AND THEY WERE LGBTQIA+ FRIENDLY LETTS GO, WE LOVE TO SEE IT LADIES <3

Year 9 Student

Thank you so much Kate and Nicolette for the talk at ** for year 9 girls today! Its really amazing to finally see some kind of program being brought into schools to educate kids about just how to be generally good people and how to navigate the world and relationships as we get older. ** has had quite a bit of issues regarding the whole area of consent, sexism, homophobia and racism, mostly coming from a lot of uneducated boys across year groups so it’s really comforting to know that us girls aren’t alone in the fight. Everything you said was really inspiring and important and just an overall thank you from me and so many others, what you guys are doing is making a real difference and is starting conversations between people which desperately needs to happen :)

Year 11 student

I really enjoyed having the girls speak to us. I felt they were easy to relate to and provided us with lots of information that I think all girls should have!

Year 7 Student

I enjoyed that I learnt so many new things that I can now share with my friends who weren’t there.

Year 9 Student

I really like how comfortable the environment was and how everyone could ask or talk about what’s on their mind without being judged.

Year 7 Student

I enjoyed the videos and talk about periods, I really learnt lots of new things!

Year 10 Student

I enjoyed being able to gain more information about womanhood, consent and everything else we did and being able to do it with my friends and learn together.

Year 10 Student

I just wanted to say, and I think I speak for the whole year group, thank you so much for coming in and taking the time to educate us about these vital topics. I already had quite an extensive knowledge about some of the the things but you two helped clear up a lot of my questions and taught me new things about consent and relationships. Thank you once again.

Year 11 student

Kate and Nicolette were really easy to listen to and made the session fun and engaging. I think all young girls could benefit from these talks and I’m glad we got to have them at our school.

Year 10 student

I really enjoyed how they spoke about sexting. They didn’t make anyone feel bad but provided great information.

Year 9 Student

I enjoyed learning about my body and knowing everything is normal and that I can be comfortable.

Year 10 student

I love how while they were talking about consent they were making sure everyone felt comfortable.

Year 11 student

I found the talk really open and informative.

Year 10 student

I liked it all. I learnt more about sex, gender and sexuality and our anatomy, the videos were also lots of fun.

Year 10 student

I enjoyed learning the myths vs facts section. I liked that they spoke about porn and how its not real life and what to do if you have and STI.

Year 10 Student

Including in the talk about trans/no binary people. They made it inclusive of all people.

Year 10 Student

I enjoyed how open the women were and how they were willing to listen and tell their stories.

Year 10 Student

I loved being able to openly talk and express about how female are seen as these days.

Year 9 Student

I loved your talk - it was scary how much I didn’t know before then. I’m so glad I know how to properly deal with toxic friendships, because that’s something I’ve been struggling with since I was little.

Year 8 student

The presenters were really nice and understanding.

Year 10 student

I really enjoyed the consent talk. Learning how to freely say yes and what is and isn’t consent was really good to know.

Year 7 Student

I enjoyed how they were really nice and made us comfortable. I liked the videos too.

Year 9 Student

Learning that during sex me and/ or my partner can say no.

Year 11 Student

I have learnt a lot about important things I knew very little about. I am now able to identify what is right and wrong in relation to consent and sexual intercourse.

Year 10 student

I liked how the audience was engaged and the speakers were friendly and open.

Year 10 student

I enjoy the honest and open talk about sex, and that it was girls only!

Year 10 student

I enjoyed that they explained what 'virginity' is and how hymens can all be different. And that theres no way to test virginity.

Year 7 Student

I enjoyed learning about what products to use for you period (tampons, pads, menstrual cups ect) and how they work.

Year 12 Student

The discussion of how to know if consent has been freely given (and the freedom to leave if you’re uncomfortable).

Year 12 Student

The amount of information given, how comfortable the space is made to be.

Year 9 student

I liked how they engaged the audience and didn’t talk down to us. It was an open and fun discussion

Year 7 Student

Everything! Learning about periods, vaginas and just everything!

Year 7 Student

Learning about my body and what is really happening and that is normal to not have a period yet.

Year 8 Student

I learnt new things about my body no one had ever told me before.

Year 10 student

I really liked the consent talk and learnt how to say no and not to feel pressured.

Year 9 student

I like how the talk went into depth about online safety and what is/isn’t ok.

Year 10 student

Learning the laws behind consent was really informative, I think all students show know this.

Year 10 student

I enjoyed learning that everybody should be body positive and I learnt lots of things I had never be told before.

Year 10 Student

The whole talk was my favourite.

Year 7 Student

The ladies weren’t awkward about anything and made us feel really comfortable.

Year 12 Student

I enjoyed the advice and the entire conversation felt super comfortable to respond and to ask questions! they were great <3

Year 12 Student

It was very informative and safe.

Year 12 Student

They were so funny and made it super comfy I was keen to interact and stuff.