What Exactly is Aftercare?

What is aftercare?

Aftercare can be defined as a broad term that encompasses how you and your partner(s) support each other after you’ve had sex. When we have sex our bodies release lots of different chemicals, and we can feel super hyped up. And so, it is super important after sex finishes that we don’t just completely withdraw and instead we ease off the intensity with some aftercare. Sometimes if you don’t engage in a form of aftercare, you can be left with a mixed bag of negative emotions. These feelings can include shame, insecurity or just an overwhelming sense of sadness. These negative emotions that can creep up on us after sex are totally normal and are called post-coital dysphoria; which refers to feelings of sadness, anxiety, or guilt after sex. And so even if you’re having casual sex or having one-night stands it is still equally important to look after your partner(s) and engage in some sort of aftercare together to ensure that these feelings of sadness don’t creep in after the intense high. Aftercare also helps deepen the connection you have with your partner and can allow you to check in and improve your physical relationship.

Traditionally, aftercare has looked like having a cuddle and both checking in verbally to see if each other is okay. However, this is only one form of aftercare. In reality, aftercare can take many forms and should resemble what makes you and your partner(s) feel okay.

Some other examples are:

  • Having a shower or bath together.

  • Cook and eat some food together.

  • Listening to some music.

  • Going for a walk together.

  • Provide each other with words of affirmation.

  • Having a conversation about what you loved and what maybe could be changed up in the bedroom.

Remember the goal of aftercare is to calm the nervous system and bring you both back to a state of relaxation, so really it could be anything as long as it can help bring you all back to reality in a safe way!

By Alexis Pallister




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