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Changing the Narrative of Being Single

It took me a long time to understand that my self-worth is not determined by my relationship status, and I do not need a boyfriend to fill my emotional or physical desires.

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How to Become a Sex-Positive Parent

Being a sex-positive parent does not necessarily mean banging on about sex 24/7 nor does it mean you have to encourage your children to have sex straight away. It means exploring sex, sexuality, and gender openly and honestly, in a way that is healthy and promotes sexual relationships to be safe, pleasurable for all and most importantly consensual.

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kate raston kate raston

Navigating the World of Online Dating

In a world where technology is at our fingertips 24/7, it is no wonder so many have turned to apps such as Tinder, Bumble and Grindr to meet, mingle and date. But just because online dating is so common does not mean it is free from challenges. Let’s be real online dating is hard but can be totally worth the challenge if you're up for it.

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So, You Need The Morning After Pill?

Sometimes, mistakes happen in the moment. You should always use some form of contraception during sex, unless you are wanting to get pregnant, but what happens if that contraception fails?

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And sometimes, it all gets too much. The brain fog creeps in, that feeling like you can’t catch a breath, catch a break.

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Let’s Talk About Sex BaByyy!

There are so many weird myths out there about sex which make people feel insecure, ashamed and leave them ultimately uninformed. Below we look at some of the most common sex myths and provide you with the facts!

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So, Let’s Talk Consent

Consent acts as the foundation for sex. Without consent sex cannot take place. But if this is the case, why do so many people struggle to ask for consent?

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Your Rights At The Doctor

In Western Australia, there are no laws that prevent you from visiting a doctor without your parents or guardians. Once you are over the age of 18, you do not need the approval of a parent or guardian for any medical treatment.

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Squashing Period Myths

Did you know at any given time, 800 million people worldwide are menstruating and yet a study conducted by Water Aid Australia found that two thirds of people still feel uncomfortable to openly carry their sanitary products to the bathroom.

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Sex Education

What was your sex Ed experience like? Were you taught consent?

These are the questions we asked to women across WA who attended a range of different high schools. Heres what they said!

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Why is examining your boobs so important?

checking your boobs regularly is so important to understand what is normal for you, in regards to look and feel. No matter what age or gender self-examination is a great preventative strategy that may alert you to early changes;

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kate raston kate raston

Rethinking the Gender Binary

Over the past decade, there has been more acceptance towards the thinking that gender lies on a spectrum with many identifying outside the traditional gender norms. Yet some still argue for the traditional gender binary. This poses the question, should we be rethinking the gender binary?

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kate raston kate raston

Toxic Positivity

Although it is appropriate to try to see the positives in life, being overtly positive and not recognising your own or others pain can cause a toxic outlook on life. It can also cause someone to avoid their pain and dismiss others distress, potentially causing more hurt.

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kate raston kate raston

Picture Perfect

The addictive nature of social media has created a society which is constantly seeking approval in the form of likes and shares from those behind screens. It propels an unhealthy culture promoting an unrealistic and unachievable expectation of beauty standards. Beauty filters are at the root of this issue as they are commonly added to posts to erase pimples, freckles, curves, wrinkles and scars.

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So, What Really is Virginity?

The notion of virginity was arguably one of the biggest lies which was spun. Not only are the ‘facts’ surrounding virginity blatantly incorrect and misleading, but the consequences of this social construct also ignores sexual inclusion, is overtly sexist and promotes an immense amount of ‘slut shaming’.

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Period Poverty

Bleeding comfortably is a right, not a luxury. Access to period products is a right, not a luxury. Attending school is a right, not a luxury.

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The things I wish I had known before I had sex …

Being a teenager is hard and navigating the world of sex is EVEN harder. You probably have a million and one questions flying around your head. Will it hurt? Am I big enough? Should I shave? Who should I have sex with? Where should I hide the condoms so my parents won’t find them? Wait … what lube can I use?

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kate raston kate raston

The Pink Tax

Are you paying pink tax? Well, let’s see. Do you identify as a woman? Do you tend to purchase products designed for women? Do you only compare prices between the same gendered products and not across gender products? Here’s the sad news if you answered yes, you are definitely paying pink tax.

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Unpacking the Man Box

Genetically superior. Popular. Successful. Dominant. Brave. Rich. Strong. Playboy.

These adjectives describe what is known as the collective socialisation of men or 'the man box' which forces a toxic identity of masculinity on our men.

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