The things I wish I had known before I had sex …

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Being a teenager is hard and navigating the world of sex is EVEN harder. You probably have a million and one questions flying around your head. Will it hurt? Am I big enough? Should I shave? Who should I have sex with? Where should I hide the condoms so my parents won’t find them? Wait … what lube can I use?

Now look, all these questions are completely normal and if I’m being honest, I felt the exact same way before I had ever had sex. Hey, I don’t really even think I answered all my own questions after the first time. So here is what I would have loved to have known before I began experimenting:

1. Sex is fun and funny! It is important to remember that sex can be awkward at times, try to roll with it and have fun.

2. Sex should be pleasurable for both parties and you DESERVE to orgasm just as much as your partner does.

3. Sex does not just mean penetration; oral is just as fun and can be a great way to set the mood and help achieve climax.

4. Get to know yourself and what you like before you have sex. Not only should you know what you like but feel comfortable to communicate this with your partner. Communication is so important so don’t be afraid to tell them how you want it!

5. Sex is NOTHING like porn nor is it like how it’s portrayed in the movies. Bodies can be weird and the mechanics of sex even weirder.

6. FREELY consenting is key. Remember, just because you may have agreed prior to having sex you are allowed to change your mind, that means during sex too. I mean you can literally stop whenever YOU want.

7. Condoms don’t only stop pregnancy but also protect you from some STI’s so be safe and smart by wearing one. Also remember STI checks should be carried out regularly every 6 to 12 months.

8. If they do not want to wear a condom remember you have the right to say NO. Protect yourself and always remember you OWN your body, no one has the right to tell you what to do!

9. Lube is awesome and can help stop unwanted friction that may cause pain during sex. But make sure you're using WATER-BASED lube, as water-based lube will help with stopping condom breakage!

10. Pubic hair is NOT gross, it's natural.

11. Lingerie is overrated … I mean seriously it’s usually off within a few minutes anyway!

12. And finally, always remember to think twice before judging someone else's sexual experimentation or lack off. Each of us have our own path to walk, so let's remove the judgement and try to all be a little bit nicer about each other. I mean really it is none of our business anyway, right?

By Alexis Pallister

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