Period Poverty

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Bleeding comfortably is a right, not a luxury. Access to period products is a right, not a luxury. Attending school is a right, not a luxury.

Yet females belonging to low-socioeconomic families or who live in a single-parent household and don’t feel comfortable asking a male for period products have their rights stripped from them. Education becomes a privilege. Period products become a privilege and the right to bleed comfortably becomes far from attainable. Due to the lack of access to period products many young women are forced to stay home and give up their right to learn.

Period poverty is a serious issue which the federal government seems to be turning a blind eye to. Parties such as The Greens are calling for change and want to supply free period products to all public schools. It should also be noted, that Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia have all taken on board this initiative. So what is Western Australia waiting for?

This initiative reinforces the notion that bleeding comfortably is a right we are all entitled to. All young women deserve to attend school even if they can’t afford menstrual products. It is important to remember often these families choose between providing their child with a meal for that day or a period product. This should not have to be a choice, hence why the program to provide free period products is so essential.

But this issue goes deeper than simply providing period products to young women, although this is an incredible start. Normalising periods and taking away the negative stigma associated with menstrual cycles is also crucial to ending period poverty. Removing the stigma can be done by using the correct terminology. For example, stating ‘I am on my period', or 'I am menstruating’ instead of using phrases such as ‘it’s that time of the month again.' By using the correct terminology women can start to feel less ashamed about this natural and normal cycle their body goes through. And remember you should never feel ashamed of being on your period or ever feel the need to subsidise a word to make others feel comfortable. Periods are normal so let’s start talking about them normally.

By implementing a free period program in schools, we are showing the next generation that period products are not a privilege but a right, just as their education is. This program along with diminishing stigmas surrounding periods, can and will irradicate period poverty. But to achieve this we must call on the government to implement change. Western Australia it is time for a change, and we must not back down from this issue of period poverty. After all, don’t all people deserve to attend school regardless of if they experience a period or not?

By Alexis Pallister

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Image sourced from Canva

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