Squashing Period Myths

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Did you know at any given time, 800 million people worldwide are menstruating and yet a study conducted by Water Aid Australia found that two thirds of people still feel uncomfortable to openly carry their sanitary products to the bathroom.

The myths which state periods are dirty, sanitary products must be hidden and those menstruating are crazy or moody is hurting our society. People who menstruate feel ashamed and are made to feel ashamed by outdated and blatantly incorrect myths which still linger within cultures all over the world.

This is frankly unacceptable, and these myths must be called out. By calling out incorrect facts we can start to change the way we view periods!

Myth: ALL women menstruate, and ONLY women menstruate.

Fact: Well, in fact, there are some medical reasons which prevent women from ever getting their periods. Also, not everyone who gets a period identifies as a woman, they may be transgender or non-binary or identify as another identity. Periods are not simply a woman’s issue, but a human issue.

Myth: If a person menstruating goes near a garden or touches plants, the flowers and plants will die.

Fact: Honesty, there are no words for this myth except WHAT!? Tested and proven this myth is completely incorrect, I can reassure you plants, and flowers will not die if you are around them on your period (theres a reason it’s called MOTHER NATURE!?)

Myth: Period products should be concealed and purchased discreetly.

Fact: Buying period products are just like buying any other product such as soap or toothpaste. Do you try to hide your soap when you buy it … exactly! Also don’t feel ashamed to walk to the bathroom holding a pad, tampon, or menstrual cup, periods are normal and so are using products. So why try to hide them?

Myth: Period blood is dirty.

Fact: Period blood is totally normal and not dirty at all. Actually, it is considered to be no less sanitary than any other blood found in your body.

Myth: People should not discuss periods in public because it is shameful, and they will be shamed.

Fact: Menstruating is nothing to be ashamed about! Do you openly speak about other aspects of your body like your hair, facial features of body parts? Periods are completely normal, and it is important to talk openly about periods to help reduce the stigma. Also, remember to use the correct terminology! Never change your language around periods to make someone else feel comfortable. (It it not called ‘that time of the month’).

Myth: You shouldn’t go swimming on your periods because sharks can smell your blood and there is a higher chance you might get attacked.

Fact: Please do not let periods stop you from taking a dip in the ocean because there is no evidence to support this claim. Shark attacks are so rare anyway, you have nothing to worry about!

Myth: You can’t fall pregnant during your period.

Fact: Although it is very unlikely, there is still a chance you can fall pregnant if your period! Also, don’t forget studies have shown that sperm can live in your reproductive system for up to 5 days, so always use protection, and don’t risk it.

Myth: You shouldn’t have sex while you are menstruating.

Fact: It is entirely up to you and your partner, but you most definitely can! It’s always best to have an open and honest discussion about it and see where you both stand. Some research also suggests having sex on your period may help with cramping … sounds like a win, win to me.

Myth: You should not go into sacred places such as churches and temples during your period as you are impure.

Fact: Periods are completely normal and there is nothing impure about them.

Myth: Period pain doesn’t exist.

Fact: I can assure you someone who has had a period wouldn’t have started that rumour.. Pain levels are different for everyone, but it is said that around 20% of people menstruating have extreme dysmenorrhea (extreme period cramps) which interfere with everyday activities.

Myth: Once you insert a tampon you are no longer a virgin, as it breaks your hymen.

Fact: Incorrect, the hymen is a thin piece of mucosal tissue that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening and can actually break during a bunch of other activities like bike riding or horse riding! ALSO, the concept of virginity is super damaging and frankly, there is no way to even test for it.

Myth: You shouldn’t talk about periods in front of boys/men.

Fact: How are we going to reduce the stigma if half the population can’t talk about it? Openly discuss it with your partners, and don’t tiptoe around the word period around younger boys, the more we openly discuss it the less taboo it becomes.

Myth: Periods are yucky or gross.

Fact: Well, there not. They are completely natural and normal, so let’s stop associating the words gross and periods!

Remember, menstruating is totally normal, and periods are nothing to be ashamed of. Your period blood is not dirty, flowers won’t die, and you do not need to hide your period products to make others feel comfortable.

You deserve to bleed comfortably and confidently!

By Alexis Pallister

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Information sourced:



Your Rights At The Doctor


Sex Education