The Holidays and Diet Culture

It’s the holiday season and Christmas is just around the corner, which means so is the inaugural Christmas feast (and the silly season!). Christmas lunch arguably has to be one of the best lunches you will be served all year, full of all the family favourites. It is no lying Christmas day is full of lots of lots of yummy treats, drinks, and large meals. Diet culture and comparison culture have cultivated a society that shuns those who indulge in high-calorie meals, but this should not be the case; especially on Christmas day.

You do not need to burn off your Christmas lunch or feel guilty for overeating. Christmas is only one day of the year, and it is important to keep some perspective on the impact of what you are eating. One delicious high quantity lunch will not kill you so there is no need to feel any shame for indulging. Remember everything in moderation is the golden rule! However, if you are feeling dissatisfied with the amount of food you have eaten, instead of running to the gym to “burn it off”, try going on a family beach walk. This way you will release endorphins and get to spend quality time with your loved ones.

Some key reminders for the holiday season:

1. The holiday season can be a stressful time, so it is important to stay on top of your mental health and be kind to yourself. Enjoy the food because it’s delicious, you deserve it, and you’re fueling your body. Remember that everybody is different so try not to compare yourself to others, being unique is cool trust me!

2. It is also important to remember that your worth does not come from your weight. So, enjoy that lunch, enjoy that dinner, enjoy that alcoholic beverage and enjoy being worthy of all those things regardless of your weight. As long as you love yourself, your weight does not matter!

3. Try avoiding discussions around weight and appearance over the holidays. As I have mentioned the holiday season is often full of lots of eating and the discussion of eating or appearance may be triggering for some. Instead, avoid those topics to make sure everyone feels comfortable.

4. Do not comment on what someone else is eating, how much food they have on their plate, or how many serves they have gone back for (this goes for any time of year, not just the holidays). Shaming someone for enjoying a delicious meal is never ok.

And lastly, I would like you all to make a new year’s resolution: Remember how amazing your body is! Because well, it is amazing. Love yourself, enjoy the food, have seconds, hey even have thirds! Just have fun and enjoy this special time with those who make you feel loved.

By Alexis Pallister


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