Mainstream stores and sexual wellness devices!?

Cotton On divided the internet a few days ago by posting this add, thoughts?

Many angry consumers turned to their keyboards to express their frustration at the company, encouraging a boycott. Yet others were pleased with Cotton On’s new range and endorsed the product, aligning their support with women exploring their sexual desires. Nevertheless, the internet has been divided, so I thought I would share my own opinions on this matter.

Firstly, I would like to say, I completely support Cotton Ons choice to sell sexual wellness devices. By local brands such as Cotton On and Priceline stocking vibrators female pleasure is being normalised and most importantly, spoken about. Female pleasure is too often neglected as the narrative surrounding sex portrays a man's pleasure as more important.

This message which is completely incorrect is then strengthened in the media with mainstream pornography playing a big role in ignoring women's pleasure. Young women trying to explore their desires are constantly being shamed and told that sex ends when a man ejaculates (which of course is completely WRONG)! But what if we could rewrite the narrative? Well, I think brands like Cotton On are trying to do just that, normalise and promote equal sexual pleasure amongst all genders. To be able to casually access a vibrator without the “taboo” of going into the adult store, will promote the idea that this IS normal and yes, everyone’s doing it.

Not only are they rewriting the narrative around women’s sexual health, but they are also promoting self exploration amongst young women. Far too often, women’s pleasure is pushed to the side and self exploration is rarely encouraged. But without this self exploration, fantasies are not explored and many women are forced to settle without any knowledge of how great their sex could truly be. If we encouraged exploration with a sexual wellness device in a safe space, women could find out what they like, don't like and what really gets them to the big 'O'. We want women to feel safe and in control when they begin to explore with a partner, and I believe with the introduction of affordable, accessible, and nicely branded toys this can be the case.

Women deserve equal pleasure, we deserve to speak to about our wants, needs and desires without being shamed and we deserve to feel in control. Cotton On has helped get the conversation started around women’s sexual pleasure and the selling of these devices will help normalise women’s pleasure. But the conversation shouldn't end here ... Talk to your friends about their sexual pleasure, touch yourself, love yourself and continue to fight for equal pleasure because at the end of the day we all deserve to cum.

By Alexis Pallister


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