What Even is The Patriarchy?

The patriarchy refers to a social structure that favours traditionally masculine attributes, meaning men have the power and influence. In turn, traditionally feminine attributes are exploited, and women are oppressed. This social structure is damaging to those who are seen as belonging to the non-dominant group (typically anyone who does not identify as male). However, it is important to note that just because the patriarchy favours men, does not mean it works in their favour all of the time. Often those who do not conform to traditionally masculine identities are faced with enormous social pressure to conform.

Okay, I understand what the patriarchy is but how does it affect me?

Everyone is affected by the patriarchy, as noted above even those who are designed to be endorsed by the social system often have to bargain with their identities to fit in. Furthermore, any non-dominant group of individuals is subsequently faced with a bias. As the system values power, control, autonomy, aggressiveness, strength, and all other traditionally masculine qualities, anyone not possessing these is seen as lesser than. Examples of the patriarchy influencing our everyday lives include, the gender pay gap, failure to discuss women’s sexual pleasure, unequal distribution of household tasks (women cook and clean- even if also working a full-time job) and rigid gender roles. The patriarchy also perpetrates toxic masculinity as aggression and violence is not only tolerated but encouraged.

Recently, many have been consciously trying to battle the internalised effects of the patriarchy however, lots are still unaware of the damage this social structure has on everyone.

Wow so the patriarchy sucks, how can we smash the patriarchy?

Step 1: To challenge the patriarchy, we must first acknowledge that this unequal social structure still exists. To smash it, we must be aware of what is happening.

Step 2: Educate yourself on the topic and start to recognise the injustices which occur all around you.

Step 3: Have open conversations about how this toxic culture impacts you and those around you. Talking, exploring and being curious will also make others aware of the damning effects.

Step 4: Challenge gender roles and traditional stereotypes. Traditional gender roles act as a foundation for the patriarchy as much of the patriarchal setup assumes that men are superior. Challenge this ideal, challenge the traditional values associated with being masculine and feminine because really, they are all nonsense anyway!

Step 5: Make the fight intersectional, don’t just exclusively focus on smashing the patriarchy focus on all issues which intersect and create injustice within society.

Step 6: Don’t stop fighting until the patriarchy is smashed. Your perseverance and drive is what will create safe, diverse communities, workplaces and overall an empowering society that views everyone as equal. I’m not saying the fight will be easy, but the outcome will be worth it.

The patriarchy is detrimental to everyone, and smashing this unjust social system will make room for a diverse and accepting society to emerge. So together let’s fight for a better future!

By Alexis Pallister


Mainstream stores and sexual wellness devices!?


We Are Womxn - The Sunday Times