A Singles Guide to Surviving this Valentine's Day

Another year means another valentine’s day. Some of you may be ecstatic at the thought of publicly announcing your love to the world, others can find this day overwhelming as being single can cause uncomfortable feelings to surface. Me, well I must admit valentine’s day is not my favourite holiday … however, just because I am single does not mean I need to be miserable on this heart eye-shaped holiday and neither do you. Valentine’s day is a day dedicated to love, and although it is assumed this love is in reference to partner love, it doesn’t have to be. This day should be about celebrating all forms of love, love for your girls, love for your boys, love for everyone, including yourself.

As I said, this day is about love so instead of focusing on the heart-shaped chocolates, the giant teddys and over the top PDA couples (that to be frank make me want to vom), focus on something YOU love. Just because you may not have a partner doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of the day and do something for yourself. Create a day that excites you, which is filled with your favourite things. Whether that be planning drinks with the girls, organising to take some time out and go for a beach walk or even scheduling in some self-pleasure. Again, just because you are single does not mean your world has to stop on valentine’s day nor should you have to feel sad or alone. So, plan yourself a special day, one filled with things that will bring you joy. After all, you deserve it!

“Galentines day” has become a very trendy valentine’s day tradition and for good reason. If you are single, invite all the gals around and have some fun because being single does not mean you’re alone. You must be sick of hearing me say it, but valentine’s day isn’t just for romantic love it’s for all kinds of love including the love you have for your girls. Alternatively, you can always use this time to spend quality time with your family. Life gets busy, and valentine’s day can be a great way to slow down, take some time out and appreciate the different love that surrounds you.

Other ways in which you can celebrate this holiday solo, are by loving yourself. Self-pleasure is such an important and healthy part of life, one which we recommend doing on the regular but especially on valentine’s day. Masturbation has so many positive outcomes, one being it makes you feel really good as it boosts your mood. And trust me you deserve this pleasure all day, every day, and valentine’s day is no different! Just because you might not have a romantic partner does not mean you can’t make yourself feel good, after all, solo sex is still sex. So go treat yourself to that new vibrator you’ve been eyeing off and get it on with yourself!

And lastly, it’s okay if valentine’s day make you feel a bit blah. It can be a difficult day so be kind to yourself and treat yourself with care. Reach out if you need help and communicate how you’re feeling with those closest to you. If you are not up to view an abundance of cute couple photos, take the day off from social media! Just because you may not be feeling the celebrations this year, try not to be upset at those that are. And don’t forget just because you’re single does not mean you can’t have a super special valentine’s day with yourself. Love yourself, create a day which brings you happiness, catch up with friends, masturbate and rewrite the narrative of single people being sad on valentine’s day!

By Alexis Pallister


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