The Orgasm Gap

I’m sure most of you have heard about the wage gap, but have you heard about the orgasm gap? Well, the orgasm gap or pleasure gap refers to the disparity between heterosexual men and women in terms of sexual satisfaction. Basically, it is a form of gender inequality caused by a variety of factors that collate to cultural ignorance leaving typically heterosexual women to reach orgasm far less than heterosexual men. And far out doesn’t this make you angry because it sure makes me angry. Everyone deserves fulfilling, wonderful, and mind-blowing sex, and yet due to our current ignorance and lack of understanding around the female anatomy many are being left without it.

So, what are the factors which lead to this wide disparity in sexual gratification and satisfaction?

The number one reason for this inequality in the bedroom comes down to the portrayal of the female anatomy in media and porn. The clitoris is something seen as difficult to find and elusive. However, this portrayal of the anatomy has been disputed with one study finding that the clitoris was actually one of the only parts of the vulva that was identified majority correctly. But how does this make sense when so many social platforms capitalise on jokes made about the clitoris being hard to find …? Another key factor to consider when analysing the cause of the pleasure gap is the depiction of sex which porn adheres to. Porn typically consists of penetration alone and clitoral stimulation (which is what most women need to orgasm, as only 18% of cis-woman orgasm with penetration alone) is neglected.

Just as the penis needs to be erect before penetration, the clitoris needs to be stimulated to reach climax during sexual intercourse. And lastly, this cultural ignorance showcased in media and porn is then amplified by the lack of comprehensive sexual education. Although labeling the anatomy is often a strong focus in sex ed classes, the way to reach orgasm or stimulate pleasure is often never mentioned. I ask you, what is the point of knowing the anatomy without understanding the function of each part? The clitoris has around 8000 nerve endings meaning it provides so much pleasure and yet is one of the most neglected parts of the vulva? WHY? This lack of understanding of the female anatomy has resulted in widespread ignorance acting as a catalyst for gender inequality to occur within the bedroom.

How can we help close the orgasm gap?

It starts with knowing your body, understanding what you like and what feels good. Masturbate, get to know yourself and then when you do begin having sex, communicate what you want and what you like with your partner. Don’t be scared of discussing your sexual preferences because communication is key! Other ways in which you can help are by educating others, many are still unaware of this pleasure disparity and by educating others you may also be helping vulva owners to close this gap within their own lives. You can also advocate for better education, for more comprehensive and pleasure-based sexual education to be implemented.

Through education and honest conversations, these issues can be combated and leave everyone having great sex! And although reaching orgasm shouldn’t be the only indicator of great sex, it is important that the option of an orgasm is offered to ensure gender inequality isn't occurring.

Everyone deserves mind-blowing sex and the roadmap to this starts with education around the female anatomy, followed by self-exploration and communication.

By Alexis Pallister



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