The Ultimate Survival Guide for Students on Leavers

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Leavers is such an amazing time, filled with endless parting, unforgettable adventures, and lifelong memories. It is a time where you get to kick back, celebrate achievements, and let loose as you transition from high school into the real world. Now don’t get me wrong, leavers is wicked and you deserve to party but there is a way you can do it safely to maximise your experience.

How can I party safely?

Be smart with your alcohol consumption and remember eating is NOT cheating.

Although everyone may say eating is cheating, it is actually extremely wise to eat. From personal experience I am telling you drinking on an empty stomach is NOT fun and isn’t fun what you want to have? Be smart with your alcohol consumption and remember to have lots of snacks and water throughout your partying hours. I’m telling you water and snacks will be your best friends while drinking!

Don’t drink and drive.

Did you know you can order an Uber without having any money in your account? Exactly, so there is no excuse to drink and drive … don’t be silly!

Tell your friends what you have taken.

I do not encourage taking drugs however if you are set on it remember to tell someone what you have taken. By telling someone what you have taken, if there is an emergency health professionals can be aware of what’s in your system and can provide appropriate support.

Never leave your drink unattended.

Always carry your drink and never leave it unattended. Also, don’t get anyone else to hold your drink unless you trust them, you don’t want to get spiked.

Organise your contraception.

Condoms are a shared duty, and it is your responsibility to always have one on you! Organise your contraception so if things do get a little saucy you are prepared and can stay protected against STI’s and pregnancy.

Look after each other.

The leaver's events can get wild, and you may lose some of your group members in the mosh but do try to have a buddy at all times. It’s also good to have each other’s phone numbers in case the reception is terrible and your Snapchat won’t load within the Zone.

Don’t fight drunk, GO TO BED.

This was some of the best pieces of advice I was given before attending leavers, don’t fight drunk, go to bed. Fighting with your friends or partners while your dunk will achieve nothing, and you don’t want to say things you will regret. Instead have some water, go to bed and deal with the dispute in the morning. I promise you, this will save your friendship. Keep in mind this is also probably the first time you’re staying away with some of your closest friends, so if you or they are feeling crammed give each other some space!

If you are sexting, BE SMART.

Be smart with your social media and always be conscious of where these images may end up. If you are engaging in sexting never include your face or any identifying marks and be smart with who you are sending photos to. Do you trust them?

Don’t forget about consent.

Let’s recap on consent. Consent should be freely given; it is reversible meaning you can withdraw your consent at any time (and I mean any time). Asking for consent isn’t a simple one-time thing, it is fluid and should be seen as a conversation throughout having sex. Consent must be informed and enthusiastic remember if it’s not a YES, it’s a no! And lastly, consent must be specific, so you know exactly what you are consenting to before you begin. Also, don’t forget consent also cannot be given under the influence of drugs or alcohol, so definitely wait until your sober to get it on! And please remember you also have the right to say no to any advances. You have complete autonomy over your body, so be confident and if you’re not interested say NO.

What should I bring to leavers?

Aside from the obvious things I’m sure you have already packed, here are some other bits and bobs we recommend bringing to stay safe and prepared!

  • Condoms or other forms of contraception but do remember condoms are the only form of contraception that will protect you from STI’s.

  • Lots of water and hydrolates.

  • Lots of snacky snacks, nothing better than snacking on some lolly snakes at 2am in the morning.

  • Sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses. We want you to be sun safe!

  • Panadol, nurofen, and band-aids (in case of an emergency)

Here are some handy numbers we recommend having on your phone while you away partying!

For emergency’s call: 000

For support, help or a pancake breakfast call Red Frogs: 1300 557 123

If you’re feeling down, worried or need support call headspace: 1800 650 890 / Lifeline: 13 11 14 / Qlife: 1800 184 527

Don’t forget if you have any questions, queries, concerns or just need a second opinion you can also DM us on Instagram @we.are.womxn.movement. We are always here to support you and will try our best to provide some awesome advice!

By Alexis Pallister


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