Everything you need to know about period sex...

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I’m not quite sure where this myth originated from which states period sex is dirty or gross. I mean who decided that people who menstruate cannot have sex for one week every month just because they shed a little blood? Outrages right! Well, I am here to tell you that period sex is not gross at all, to be honest in some cases it’s not even that messy! The first time I had period sex I was extremely concerned with the mess I would make; I was all in my head thinking there would be buckets of blood all over the bedsheets. But in fact, very little mess was made and was easily cleaned up with a quick shower and wash of a towel.

So, what are the pro's to having sex on your period?

Relieves cramps

While having sex your body releases chemicals called endorphins which boost mood and in turn, will help with cramping. Orgasms may also relieve cramping as menstrual cramps are the product of the uterus contracting to release its lining. When you orgasm the muscles in the uterus also contract and then release, which may help relieve overall cramping.

Shorter periods

Having sex may actually make your periods shorter, as when your uterus muscles contract during an orgasm the uterine contents are pushed out faster. So, having an orgasm may help you have a shorter period!

Natural lubrication

Who needs lube when you have your blood acts as a natural lubricant! Relieving cramps, shorter periods and no need for lube sounds like a win win to me!

Okay, we’ve heard the pro’s, so what are the con's to period sex?

The mess

As I said earlier, in my experience there has only been a small amount of mess which is easily cleaned up with a towel or a quick shower. If you are concerned with the mess, try having sex during the days where your flow is lighter and always remember to be open and honest with your partner so they know how you're feeling.

You can still fall pregnant so use protection

Although it is very unlikely, there is still a chance you can fall pregnant if you're on period! Also, don’t forget studies have shown that sperm can live in your reproductive system for up to 5 days, so always use protection, and don’t risk it.

Here are some top tips for making your period sex experience one to remember!

Be open and honest

Having open and honest communication is vital for any sex you engage in, especially period sex. As there is a lot of stigma surrounding period sex, it is important to be open about how you are feeling and raise any concerns you may have.

Remember to remove your tampon BEFORE sex

Always remember to remove any tampon or menstrual cup before penetration to ensure a pleasurable experience.

Layout a towel and have tissues close by

Laying out a towel is always a handy idea when having period sex and will help trap any mess! It is also a good idea to have some wet wipes or tissues nearby to help with the clean up afterwards.

Try shower sex

Shower sex is a great alternative to help spice things up and also avoid any mess!

Always pee after sex

This applies to both period and non period sex. Peeing after sex helps flush those germs out, and help prevent you from getting a urinary tract infection (UTI) — an easily treatable, but painful condition.

Experiment with different erogenous zones

If you are still a little squeamish, no stress, try exploring other erogenous zones such as your ears, feet, hands, and neck. If you do not feel comfortable having period sex that is okay, but you shouldn’t have to miss out on satisfying your needs, hence why the exploration of other forms of sexual connection may be appropriate. Remember penetration is not the only form of sex you can indulge in!

Always remember to wear a condom!

You should always wear a condom to help protect you and your partner from any STI’s and period sex is no different. STI’s can still be transmitted while on your period, so stay smart and be safe, wear a condom.

As you can see, period sex has so many benefits and if tackled right can be an experience you will not forget! So, don’t let your period stop you from having sex because periods are totally natural and normal and you deserve to have sex whenever you want, regardless of if you are bleeding.

By Alexis Pallister


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